“Wen, why are you sitting here alone?”文,你怎么一个人坐在这里James 不知道什么时候来到了文轩的身旁说道。
“I am ine, Thanks James”我没事,谢谢文轩说道,并准备站起来。
“Remain to sit, some beer?”坐,来点啤酒?James 的手掌轻按文轩的肩膀问道。
“Are you missing your amily?”(想家了?) James 在文轩身边坐下后问道。
“Kind o”有点文轩说道。
“I served US military or 2 years beore I went to study at university”在我上大学前我曾在美国军队服役过2年James 喝了一口啤酒道。
“You were in the military? Wow”哇,你还在军队里待过?文轩吃惊道,他只知道James 是农场长大的却不知道他还在军队里待过。
“Yeah, long time ago. It’s tough but I enjoyed it”是啊,很久前的事情了,那时候虽说很辛苦但是我却很享受James 微笑道。
“I did military training when I was at high school, but it’s just or two months”我在高中的时候接受过2个月的军训文轩道。
“How was it?”如何?James道。
“I hated it at the beginning, but I loved it ater we inished it”期初我非常的不喜欢,但是当训练完成后我却喜欢的不得了文轩道。
“I see, Not many o young kids like you can take that hard training nowadays, your parent must be proud o you”我懂,不是所有你那个年纪的孩子能受得了那种苦,你父母一定为你感到骄傲James 道。
“I did not know about my parents but I was proud o mysel”我不晓得我爸妈怎么样,但是我倒是挺为自己骄傲的文轩道。
“Haha, you are good, wen”哈哈,文,你好样的James 盯着文轩看了一会笑道。
“James, Wen, e over here. Jacob is about cutting the cake”喂,James,文快过来,Jacob 要准备切蛋糕了Ava 招手朝着两人喊道。
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